New hardware technologies in AI, Edge Computing, IoT, Wireless Communications, and other areas create tremendous opportunity, but can also carry significant risk and uncertainty. Rapid change and unpredictable market forces increase the challenge.
Making sense of all this to cut through the hype and deliver meaningful results requires deep technical and business experience.
Through its founder Steve Yates, P.E., nspyr Technologies’ expert hardware and product consulting helps clients understand and benefit from new technologies, market trends, and busienss opportunities. We help clients by providing forward-looking analysis, advice, and guidance on matters relating to computer hardware and products incorporating it.
Trusted Guidance and Analysis
35 Years Experience
Proven Results
What do we do?
Our Hardware and Product Consulting Services
Expert Witness and Patent Assistance
With 35 years of experience in Embedded Systems, IoT, AI, Edge Computing, Networking, and Wireless Communications and as co-inventor on six US patents, Steve Yates, P.E. bridges the gap between your executive, engineering, and legal teams. Steve provides insightful expert analysis and testimony in complex technical and business litigation. He also can assist in protecting your IP by helping to complete, analyze, reduce to practice, or document your inventions so you can obtain provisional and non-provisional patents without distracting your critical development teams.
New Product Consulting
Looking to launch a new product line or business unit, or expand intro a new market segment? Nspyr Technologies' analysis of market trends and emerging technologies enables us to assess your unique opportunities and risks, customer needs, critical features, and business strategies. We can either work independently or collaborate with your sales and marketing, product, and engineering teams to increase your product's success. Either way, we help achieve your new product objectives, increasing your success and delivering breakthrough business results.